
Looking for a way to play the Takeover online multiplayer with friends? You can head to the Parsec Arcade and jump into a game. They even have an “Arcade” mode :). The 2D side-scroller takes us right back to memories of playing TMNT at the arcade – perfect for Parsec. Here’s how you can play The Takeover online:

  1. Download the Takeover onto your computer

  2. Start the game and choose your mode – we chose arcade mode…grab a sandwich for the cut scene

  3. Download Parsec for free and install it

  4. Head to the Parsec Arcade, and choose to host the Takeover (this will only work if the game is already running).

  5. Share the big link with your friends

  6. Your friends will be asked to download Parsec too, and once they have, you’ll be ready to play together

Easy right? Start playing the Takeover online right now with Parsec.

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