
Battle Cross Fever is a fan made Sonic fighting game. It doesn’t have online multiplayer, but the developer recommends using Parsec to play online with friends. In Parsec, there’s also an option to open up your session to allow other players in the Parsec Arcade to join or watch – it’s a great way to spread the word about the game. It’s easy to start playing online – here’s how:

  1. Download Battle Cross Fever onto your computer

  2. Start the game

  3. Download Parsec for free and install it

  4. Head to the Parsec Arcade, and choose to host Battle Cross Fever (this will only work if the game is already running).

  5. Share the big link with your friends

  6. Your friends will be asked to download Parsec too, and once they have, you’ll be ready to play together

Easy right? Start playing Battle Cross Fever online right now with Parsec.

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